All my programs are implemented in R.


This package provides implementation of pseudo-values for right-censored or interval-censored data using a fast (and very accurate) approximation. Both the pseudo-values for the survival function and for the Restricted Mean Survival Time (RMST) have been implemented. For right-censored observations the algorithms are based on the Kaplan-Meier estimator while for interval-censored data they are based on the piecewise constant hazard (PCH) model. The method is explained in details in my paper: The package is available on github. To install the package on R, first install the devtools library and type:


This package provides estimation of the hazard function for time to event data in the piecewise constant hazard model. It implements the adaptive ridge procedure developed in my papers: The package is available on github. To install the package on R, first install the devtools library and type:


This package implements corrected versions of two sample tests. Corrections for the Pearson, Kendall and Spearman correlation tests, the Mann-Whitney (Wilcoxon) rank sum test, the Mann-Whitney (Wilcoxon) signed rank test and a variance test. The package also proposes a test for the median based on a kernel estimator and a confidence interval for the median based on rank statistics. All these tests are asymptotically calibrated meaning that the probability of rejection under the null hypothesis is asymptotically equal to 5%. The package also proposes a test for independence between two continuous variables of Kolmogorov-Smirnov's type. This test is exact. The paper that presents all the tests available in the robusTest package can be found here: The package is available on R and on github.

More programs

Other codes associated to my research publications can be found on my co-authors webpages.

You can visit the webpage of Vivien Goepp for the hazreg and aspline packages. They implement the methods developed in the papers:

The codes from the paper A penalized algorithm for event-specific rate models for recurrent events can be found here. They were implemented by Agathe Guilloux.